Tharl Racers of Gor: Schedule Leagues Results Stats Information
Racing Commission
Our Current Racing Commission
President: Hips Wrigglesworth
Racetrack Commissioners:
Avalanche, Gorean Dreams, Stampede, Rock Run, Arena, and Rainforest: Hips Wrigglesworth
Delta Downs @ Caer Cadarn: Gorm Runo
TallyKeeper: Hips Wrigglesworth
Head Starter: Thais
TRG Webmasters: Hips and Thais
Race Track Statistics: Josh
Racer Stats: Thais
The President is responsible for the Administration of the Races and conducts racer opinion polls, and racer voting concerning major rule adjustments and Circuit tracks.
The Racing Commission is the decision making group of the Circuit. They are also the ones to hold the President to adhere to the rules.
Director Roles and Responsibilities:
**Director of Promotion (getting the word out in markets, villages, and cities )
**Director of Training (holding training sessions for all teams)
**Racetrack Commissioners (anyone that owns one of the race tracks used by the TRG)
**Events Co-ordinator: (Arranges our special events which might include RFL, End of the Month Soccer, Time Trial Races.)
**TallyKeeper (creates the Racing Form and organizes racing days)
**Head Starter (Recruits and trains new starters. Arranges for starters and gropers on racing days)
**TRG Webmaster (Runs and maintains the website. Updates the stats and results etc. after every event)
The Commission always has an ear open for comments, complaints, and suggestions from the racers.
Updated on 4.1.2024